Our family history work is far from complete! Here are ideas of what you can do to help.
- We need to update FamilySearch Family Tree with as much detail as possible about the Mortensen family. This includes documenting sources, adding photos and stories, adding research notes, etc. If you have additional Mortensen family history information in your possession, please either upload it directly to FamilySearch Family Tree, or contact us through our Guestbook page, and we will make arrangements to get your documentation and update it on FamilySearch.
- Andrew Daniel gave a talk in Dayton, ID on 9 November 1934. In the notes for the talk he says “Mother and sister Mary arrived in Salt Lake City on July 24th 1873. Father did not arrive until October the same year.” Where was Anders Mortensen from July 14 until October 1873 and why did he not travel by train to SLC with his wife and daughter?
- Orson Mortensen is relatively easy to find in the 1940 census, but his wife Gwen and children have not yet been located in the 1940 census. Has anyone been able to find the rest of the family in this census?